Algorithmic Amplification
SessionArt Gallery
Description"Algorithmic Amplification" leverages large language models to create a tangible representation of digital echo chambers, highlighting how language shapes perceptions and reinforces beliefs. It examines AI's effect on language and culture, revealing a paradox: while LLMs are a major AI advancement, they can also amplify societal biases. Participants insert their upper body into an enclosure and express an opinion. Autonomous agents validate and reinforce this opinion, simulating a social media echo chamber. Much like online discussions, as time goes by the arguments degenerate, become more extreme, more absolute, all without guidance.

Event Type
Art Gallery
TimeSunday, 28 July 20241:30pm - 5:00pm MDT
LocationExhibit Hall F
Session TimeSunday, 28 July 20241:30pm - 5:00pm MDTMonday, 29 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTTuesday, 30 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTWednesday, 31 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTThursday, 1 August 202411:00am - 3:30pm MDT
LocationExhibit Hall F
Arts & Design
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