Powerful Relationship Building for Career Growth in Film & TV
DescriptionThis session is for students and professionals looking to build the relevant connections necessary to open doors in the film and tv industry. We will focus on the role of establishing and nurturing relationships that resonate with your personal values and professional goals.
You will learn about strategies for gaining clarity on career direction, identifying key individuals to connect with, and starting conversations that are both organic and true to your identity and ambitions. Whether you're starting out or leveling up your career, this session will equip you with the tools to build meaningful connections that lead to prospective opportunities.
You will learn about strategies for gaining clarity on career direction, identifying key individuals to connect with, and starting conversations that are both organic and true to your identity and ambitions. Whether you're starting out or leveling up your career, this session will equip you with the tools to build meaningful connections that lead to prospective opportunities.
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
TimeTuesday, 30 July 202411:00am - 12:30pm MDT
LocationRoom 702
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