
FEELTECH Wear: Enhancing Mixed Reality Experience With Wrist to Finger Haptic Attribution
DescriptionFEELTECH Wear is a system that supports hand interactions with both virtual and real objects, allowing for seamless execution of each interaction. The hand-mounted device is equipped with four channels of rotational skin-stretch tactors at the wrist and vibration tactors at the thumb and index finger on each hand.
Event Type
Emerging Technologies
TimeSunday, 28 July 20241:30pm - 5:00pm MDT
Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20241:30pm - 5:00pm MDTExhibit Hall F
Monday, 29 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTExhibit Hall F
Tuesday, 30 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTExhibit Hall F
Wednesday, 31 July 202411:00am - 5:00pm MDTExhibit Hall F
Thursday, 1 August 202411:00am - 3:30pm MDTExhibit Hall F
Interest Areas
Gaming & Interactive
New Technologies
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