
Robotics, Generative AI, and OpenUSD: How WPP is Building the Future of Creativity
DescriptionPerry Nightingale, SVP Creative AI for WPP, the world’s largest marketing services company, shares how robotics, OpenUSD, and AI are transforming the content creation pipeline for major global brands. As operators of one of the largest content supply-chains in the media and entertainment industry, WPP works closely with partners like NVIDIA, Shutterstock, and Adobe on breakthrough technologies for enhancing human creativity. Perry will share some of the latest research in high-fidelity generative AI and WPP’s groundbreaking use of robotics in 3D capture for photo-realistic personalized film, while demonstrating how OpenUSD provides a unique standardized platform across thousands of agencies, artists and brands..
Event Type
Industry Session
TimeTuesday, 30 July 20242:30pm - 3:20pm MDT
LocationRoom 607
Session TimeTuesday, 30 July 20248:30am - 5:00pm MDT
LocationRoom 607
Interest Areas
Arts & Design
New Technologies
Production & Animation
Research & Education
OpenUSD Day
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