
Scaling Avatars to Billions: Leveraging OpenUSD for Dynamic Character Assembly and Personalization
DescriptionIn this talk, we'll delve into the use of OpenUSD within the Meta Avatar Team and explore how it enables the creation of complex dynamic character assembly workflows. We'll discuss our novel content pipeline that delivers high-quality avatars at scale, supporting billions of users. Our approach allows users to personalize and customize their avatars to represent their individual identities, making the metaverse experience more immersive and engaging.

We'll also share insights on how OpenUSD's powerful features, such as composition and layering, enable us to efficiently assemble and animate characters with a high degree of complexity. Additionally, we’ll highlight the challenges faced in scaling our pipeline to support a vast user base and how we overcame them through innovative solutions.

Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the technical and artistic considerations involved in creating a scalable avatar system that supports personalization and customization. This talk is ideal for professionals and researchers interested in computer graphics, animation, and virtual reality, as well as anyone curious about the future of avatars and the metaverse.
Event Type
Industry Session
TimeTuesday, 30 July 202410:30am - 10:50am MDT
LocationRoom 607
Session TimeTuesday, 30 July 20248:30am - 5:00pm MDT
LocationRoom 607
Interest Areas
Arts & Design
New Technologies
Production & Animation
Research & Education
OpenUSD Day
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