
Introduction to fVDB: Hands-On With Large-Scale Spatial Intelligence
DescriptionfVDB is a deep-learning framework for generative physical AI with spatial intelligence. It builds NVIDIA accelerated AI operators on top of the graphics and simulation framework of OpenVDB, enabling reality-scale digital twins, neural radiance fields, 3D generative AI, and more.

Join us for a workshop that introduces the concepts in fVDB and an interactive tutorial for how to get started using it with PyTorch. The authors of fVDB will present some of the state-of-the-art research fVDB has enabled and will familiarize you with all the technologies you’ll see when writing code for your own projects.
Event Type
Industry Session
TimeTuesday, 30 July 20241:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
LocationRoom 610-612
Interest Areas
New Technologies
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