Radiance Field Processing - Interactive Discussion
SessionRadiance Field Processing
DescriptionAfter the summary presentations, attendees will participate in an interactive discussion. Distributed around the room will be a series of poster boards for authors to gather around with the audience. Authors are invited to bring any material related to their paper that could instigate further conversation such as printouts, posters, demos, or other presentation aids. The interactive discussions provide attendees more interaction with the individual authors.
Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeThursday, 1 August 20243:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
LocationMile High 1
ACM Digital Library
Journal Papers' PDFs
Conference Papers' PDFs
Conference Papers' PDFs
Session TimeThursday, 1 August 20242:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
LocationMile High 1
Research & Education
Not Livestreamed
Not Recorded
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