DAE-Net: Deforming Auto-Encoder for Fine-grained Shape Co-segmentation
Session3D Shape Analysis
DescriptionWe present an unsupervised 3D shape co-segmentation method following the stipulation that corresponding parts in different shapes should have approximately the same shape. Our method learns the shapes of a set of part templates and composes each shape by selecting a subset of template parts which are affine-transformed and deformed.

Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeWednesday, 31 July 20242:20pm - 2:30pm MDT
LocationMile High 2A
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Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20246:00pm - 8:45pm MDTBluebird Ballroom
Wednesday, 31 July 20242:00pm - 3:30pm MDTMile High 2A
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