Differentiable Geodesic Distance for Intrinsic Minimization on Triangle Meshes
SessionShape Analysis
DescriptionWe present a novel approach for the intrinsic minimization of distance-based objectives defined on triangle meshes. We demonstrate our differentiable geodesic distance framework on geodesic networks and membranes on surfaces, two-way coupling between hosting surface and embedded system, differentiable Voronoi diagrams, and efficient computation of Karcher means on complex shapes.

Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeMonday, 29 July 20242:20pm - 2:30pm MDT
LocationMile High 3C
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Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20246:00pm - 8:45pm MDTBluebird Ballroom
Monday, 29 July 20242:00pm - 3:30pm MDTMile High 3C
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