Walkin’ Robin: Walk on Stars With Robin Boundary Conditions
SessionMonte Carlo for PDEs
DescriptionWe develop a grid-free Monte Carlo method for solving boundary value problems like the Poisson equation with Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions. Unlike conventional PDE solvers, our method does not require volumetric meshing or global solves. It is robust, embarrassingly parallel, scalable to complex geometry, and allows view-dependent evaluation.

Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeMonday, 29 July 202410:55am - 11:05am MDT
LocationMile High 4
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Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20246:00pm - 8:45pm MDTBluebird Ballroom
Monday, 29 July 202410:45am - 12:15pm MDTMile High 4
Research & Education
Machine Learning
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