Minkowski Penalties: Robust Differentiable Constraint Enforcement for Vector Graphics
SessionVector Graphics
DescriptionWe introduce a method for laying out complex arrangements of general, nonconvex 2D shapes in the context of vector graphics, illustration, and diagrams. Beyond simple "no-overlap" conditions, we introduce differentiable penalties for nested containment, tangency, precise padding, etc., which are robust even in the absence of problem-specific initialization strategies.

Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeMonday, 29 July 20249:40am - 9:50am MDT
LocationMile High 4
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Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20246:00pm - 8:45pm MDTBluebird Ballroom
Monday, 29 July 20249:00am - 10:30am MDTMile High 4
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