NeuralVDB: High-resolution Sparse Volume Representation using Hierarchical Neural Networks
SessionSpatial Data Structures
DescriptionNeuralVDB enhances the VDB framework for efficient sparse volumetric data storage by integrating machine learning. This new structure significantly reduces memory usage while maintaining flexibility with minimal compression errors. It combines a shallow VDB tree with hierarchical neural networks for topology and value encoding, achieving high compression ratios and outperforming other neural representations. Additionally, NeuralVDB improves animation compression and temporal coherence through warm-starting from previous frames.

Event Type
Technical Paper
TimeThursday, 1 August 20249:10am - 9:20am MDT
LocationMile High 2A
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Session Time & Location
Sunday, 28 July 20246:00pm - 8:45pm MDTBluebird Ballroom
Thursday, 1 August 20249:00am - 10:30am MDTMile High 2A
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