
52. BNNAction-Net: Binary Neural Network on Hands Gesture Recognitions
DescriptionWe have developed a Hand Gestures Recognition model using deep learning that significantly outperforms the efficiency of current state-of-the-art models by utilizing binary neural networks. This advancement enables the implementation of our model on standalone head-mounted displays and wearable devices.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, 30 July 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDT
LocationMile High Pre-Function Area
Session TimeSunday, 28 July 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDTMonday, 29 July 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDTTuesday, 30 July 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDTWednesday, 31 July 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDTThursday, 1 August 20249:00am - 5:30pm MDT
LocationMile High Pre-Function Area
Registration Categories
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