
Claudia “TUESDAY” Ramirez
TUESDAY is an artist, audio engineer, and AI/ML researcher. She is in a Google Women Tech Makers DEI Cohort and founded ARTIFEX Solutions in 2023. She is currently in the midst of developing her game design in Google Cloud workshop to complete the proof of concept for her proprietary game design methodology and unique Emotional Alchemy Engine. Research partners Lena Weisbrott is an adjunct professor and researcher at the UCLA Game Labs, specializes in narrative design and video game design education, and Julia Reodica is a Doctor of Nursing from OHSU and runs a 16 year old Horror Film Festival in Portland, Oregon. This dynamic team of indie filmmakers and video game developers with unique credentials are researching and developing novel ways to leverage AI and stunning visuals to improve patient care, mental hygiene, and issues like addiction, depression and anxiety with the power of gamification and art therapy.
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